A new strategy to create blue light from a promising material

A Florida State University research team has developed a new way to create blue light from a class of materials that shows enormous potential for optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) ...

Researchers expand understanding of vortex spread in superfluids

An international team of scientists featuring Florida State University researchers has developed a model that predicts the spread of vortices in so-called superfluids, work that provides new insight into the physics that ...

Study: Humans responsible for over 90% of world's oil slicks

A team of U.S. and Chinese scientists mapping oil pollution across the Earth's oceans has found that more than 90% of chronic oil slicks come from human sources, a much higher proportion than previously estimated.

Developing next-generation superconducting cables

Researchers at Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS), in collaboration with Colorado-based Advanced Conductor Technologies, have demonstrated a new, ready-to-use superconducting cable system—an ...

Remote sensing research improves hurricane response

Safe and uninterrupted road travel is crucial in the aftermath of storms so that people can access medical treatment, downed power lines can be removed and communities can begin a return to normalcy.

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