Video: Using light to move wireless data faster

"We explore a range of projects that turn light into a powerful medium for data communication and object or behavioral sensing," says Xia Zhou, an associate professor of computer science. "Our recent projects include visible ...

Revamping science: Making room for more voices

Science is known for being objective and apolitical, but is it? Historically speaking, the voices of underrepresented groups have been missing from science, resulting in an often incomplete and fragmented perspective of the ...

Self-driving cars and geospatial data: Who holds the keys?

As self-driving cars continue to develop, there will be plenty of data amassed through cars' navigational technologies. Questions regarding privacy, ownership, cybersecurity and public safety arise, as heavily guarded mapping ...

Research explains public resistance to vaccination

Why is it so challenging to increase the number of people who get vaccinated? How does popular resistance to vaccination remain strong even as preventable diseases make a comeback?

US image abroad: It's the message not the messenger

Today's political climate in the U.S. is often peppered with animosity from the U.S. president towards other countries but how has the U.S. image fared? A Dartmouth study finds that the U.S. image abroad appears to be influenced ...

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