Tree rings reveal nightmare droughts in the West

If you think the 1930s drought that caused The Dust Bowl was rough, new research looking at tree rings in the Rocky Mountains has news for you: Things can get much worse in the West.

What the locals ate 10,000 years ago

BYU archaeologists find a Utah site occupied by humans 11,000 years ago.The researchers documented a variety of dishes the people dined on back then.Grind stones for milling small seeds appeared 10,000 years ago.

The science of stadium sound

Football fans attending BYU home games the last two seasons may have noticed a few students roving through the crowd, giving their full attention to hand-held scientific instruments instead of the game.

Computer models predicts path of lost hikers

( -- The next time a Boy Scout is lost in the wilderness, search and rescue teams could have better statistics on their side in deciding where to look.

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