Researchers create 3-D structure of the nuclear pore complex

For the first time, researchers have produced a nearly complete three-dimensional structure for the yeast Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC). This discovery represents a major step toward identifying the atomic structure of the NPC, ...

Researchers discover mitochondria-to-nucleus messenger protein

Researchers have identified a protein, G-Protein Pathway Suppressor 2 (GPS2), that moves from a cell's mitochondria to its nucleus in response to stress and during the differentiation of fat cells. While proteins with similar ...

Police shootings reflect structural racism

The deaths of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, and other unarmed black victims at the hands of police sparked a national conversation about racism and policing, from the Black Lives Matter movement ...

Air pollution exposure inequality persists in Massachusetts

Despite overall reductions in ambient air pollution in Massachusetts, exposure continues to fall unequally along racial/ethnic, income, and education lines, according to a new study led by a Boston University School of Public ...

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