Jigsaw a critical piece of the Notch puzzle

The Notch signaling pathway helps determine cell fate determination, differentiation and proliferative ability of numerous cells. How it accomplishes these tasks has been a puzzle, but researchers led by those at Baylor College ...

Architecture of rod sensory cilium disrupted by mutation

Using a new technique called cryo-electron tomography, two research teams at Baylor College of Medicine have created a three-dimensional map that gives a better understanding of how the architecture of the rod sensory cilium ...

Feedback loop maintains basal cell population

Notch – the protein that can help determine cell fate – maintains a stable population of basal cells in the prostate through a positive feedback loop system with another key protein – TGF beta (transforming growth factor ...

Battles between steroid receptors to regulate fat accumulation

The androgen receptor in human cells inhibits fat accumulation, but its activity can be sabotaged by glucocorticoids, steroids that regulate fat deposition and are known drivers of obesity and insulin resistance, said researchers ...

Semi-automated 'pathwalking' to build a protein model

A new semi-automated tool called pathwalking makes it possible to generate a "first draft" model of a protein fold taken from near-atomic resolution images of between three and six angstroms (Å), said researchers at ...

Fruit flies drawn to the sweet smell of youth

Aging takes its toll on sex appeal and now an international team of researchers led by Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Michigan find that in fruit flies, at least, it even diminishes the come-hither effect ...

Membrane fusion a mystery no more

The many factors that contribute to how cells communicate and function at the most basic level are still not fully understood, but researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have uncovered a mechanism that helps explain how ...

Extensive protein interaction network controls gene regulation

The genes of a cell are like the 88 keys of a piano. To play chords and music, however, the keys must be activated in exact combinations by a pianist's hands. Those hands represent the coregulators of a cell that simultaneously ...

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