DksA polices the intersection of replication and transcription

DNA replication, the process by which a strand of DNA is copied during cell proliferation , and DNA transcription, the process by which the message in the DNA is translated into messenger RNA, involve the same "track" or ...

A single protein regulates 2 immune pathways

Unchecked, the natural or innate immune system can run out of control - like a stuck accelerator on a car. Eventually, it will kill the host it is supposed to protect.

Theory of single stem cell for blood components challenged

Components of the blood or hematopoietic system derive from stem cell subtypes rather than one single stem cell that gives rise to all the different kinds of blood cells equally, said scientists from Baylor College of Medicine ...

Chaperonins prompt proper protein folding -- but how?

In proper society of yesterday, the chaperone insured that couples maintained proper courting rituals. In biology, a group of proteins called chaperonins makes sure that proteins are folded properly to carry out their assigned ...

Gene called flower missing link in vesicle uptake in neurons

As part of the intricate ballet of synaptic transmission from one neuron to the next, tiny vesicles - bubbles containing the chemical neurotransmitters that make information exchange possible -- travel to the tip of neurons ...

Researchers unravel mystery of DNA conformation

An iconic photograph ( of Nobel laureates Drs. Francis Crick and James Watson show the pair discussing with a rigid model of the famous double helix.

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