Nano-switches in the cell

Mitochondria, best known for their role as cellular power plants, perform numerous vital tasks in the cell. During cell respiration, reactive oxygen species can be formed in mitochondria. If these are present in excess, their ...

Protein team produces molecular barrels

Research groups headed by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Pfanner, Dr. Nils Wiedemann, and Dr. Thomas Becker from the University of Freiburg and their colleagues have demonstrated how molecular protein barrels form in the outer membrane ...

World's largest collection of moss species

Peatlands, with their huge diversity of peat moss species, store about 30 percent of the Earth's soil carbon. This means they store roughly twice as much carbon as all the world's forests combined. However, peat harvesting ...

Biological diversity stabilizes species interactions

The decline in biodiversity and the associated loss of plant species are greatly affecting ecosystems. Thus far, this has been shown by studies in the so-called grasslands, i.e. in areas that are not covered by buildings ...

A small protein in bacteria overlooked up to now

The biological process of photosynthesis is found at the beginning of nearly all food chains. It produces oxygen to breathe and provides the energetic foundation for using biotechnological processes to synthesize biofuels ...

Diversity increases ecosystem stability

Forests with a large variety of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures: scientists from the University of Freiburg have confirmed this with data from the world's oldest field trial on the diversity ...

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