Bacterial enzyme traps and breaks down PFAS molecules

Highly nondegradable chemicals such as PFAS and pesticides can have useful properties in some situations, but are extremely difficult for nature to remove afterwards. Now researchers from Aarhus University have found that ...

Nanosatellite shows the way to RNA medicine of the future

The RNA molecule is commonly recognized as messenger between DNA and protein, but it can also be folded into intricate molecular machines. An example of a naturally occurring RNA machine is the ribosome, that functions as ...

One step closer to optimal fertilization of clover grass

Clover-grass mixtures are popular because they do not need to be fertilized as much as pure grass crops. Indeed, legumes such as white and red clover are self-sufficient in nitrogen. They can simply fix nitrogen from the ...

Can we increase the carbon content of agricultural soils?

Climate change is considered one of the most pressing problems of our time. In this context, soil plays a greater role than might be expected. Soil can simultaneously store CO2 from the atmosphere and emit CO2 through microbial ...

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