Concentrating milk at the farm does not harm milk quality

At dairies, the reverse osmosis filtration technique is extensively used to remove water from milk to be used for further processing such as e.g. cheese or milk powder. However, many resources would be saved if it was possible ...

Researchers reveal the secret code language of bacteria

Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a growing global challenge. Danish researchers have now discovered that bacteria use a code language to avoid being controlled. Understanding this code language will be paramount ...

Bullying makes men leave the labor market

Men and women are almost at an equal risk of being bullied in the workplace, but whereas bullying often causes women to go on prolonged sick leave or use antidepressants, men often choose to leave the labor market altogether ...

Grow more crops at the same time

When you are in the supermarket contemplating which vegetables to buy, nitrogen is hardly the first thing on your mind. However, the products on the shelves contribute to the total nitrogen cycle in different ways. For instance, ...

Climate model predictions are telling a consistent story

Three independent methods of modelling climate change impact on yield display the same bleak tendency: When global temperature increases, wheat yield will decline. This is demonstrated in a study carried out by an international ...

Does the mother know her child the best?

New research shows that mental problems affect the mother's judgement and that dad is just as good as mum at evaluating the child's scholastic and social skills. This is important to consider in e.g. parental rights cases, ...

The mathematics of music history

Together with colleagues from London and Amsterdam, MIB postdoc Niels Chr. Hansen, analysed thousands of musical themes composed by French, Italian, and Austro-German composers living in 1600-1950.

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