Pocket-size data recorder

A very compact device from Siemens is simplifying common sound and vibration measurements in industry. Until now, acceleration sensors and microphones have been attached to box-shaped devices connected to a computer. By contrast, ...

Software shortens maintenance for Steam Turbines

Siemens developed a software that cools steam turbines more rapidly. This shortens the maintenance phase. An operator can bring a power plant back on line sooner. A revision interrupts the generation of electricity. Depending ...

Precision for huge transportation loads

A new, robust control system from Siemens allows huge loads to get to their destinations better. The gigantic loads (bridge components, drilling platforms, and booster rockets for satellites) often weigh thousands of tons ...

World's first dynamic grid control center

The transition to a new energy mix is making the power grid more dynamic. Siemens is coordinating a major research project designed to determine the extent to which existing control center technology can accommodate additional ...

Personalized factory workstations

Tomorrow's factory jobs will be completely different from those of today. Although they will continue to be organized around assembly stations, they will not work in rigid shifts, be subject to inflexible processes, or be ...

Apps for electric cars

Siemens is equipping electric cars with completely redesigned information and communications technology (ICT). Basically, the idea is to control a variety of vehicle functions on a uniform, centralized computer platform instead ...

Highly precise mirrors for in-depth insights into space

Thanks to simulation and control technology from Siemens, astronomers will be able to gaze even further into space in the future. According to the current issue of the Siemens research magazine Pictures of the Future, the ...

Learning from robots

In a Bavarian village, Mathias Hubrich is building remotely controlled robots designed to perform tasks too dangerous for human beings. Robots are now also being used as teaching aids because their Siemens control systems ...

Reliable WLAN in a red-hot environment

A robust wireless technology from Siemens is being used to help manufacture massive steel components. In one of the most modern open-die forges in the world, a facility owned by Saarschmiede GmbH, turbine and generator shafts ...

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