Planetary Sciences

Jupiter's Great Red Spot shows unexpected size changes

Astronomers have observed Jupiter's legendary Great Red Spot (GRS), an anticyclone large enough to swallow Earth, for at least 150 years. But there are always new surprises—especially when NASA's Hubble Space Telescope ...


Astronomers race to capture image of exoplanet near star

Planet AF Lep b is a world of firsts. In 2023, it was the lowest-mass planet outside our solar system to be directly observed and have its mass measured using astrometry. This is a technique that charts the subtle movements ...

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Black hole destroys star, goes after another

A massive black hole has torn apart one star and is now using that stellar wreckage to pummel another star or smaller black hole that used to be in the clear.

Arctic river erosion linked to permafrost thaw

Permafrost, the thick layer of perennially frozen ground that covers much of the Arctic, slows down the migration of Arctic rivers, according to a new Caltech study. River migration is a common process in which a river's ...

Polar jet stream could reveal Saturn's rotational period

A hexagon-shaped atmospheric phenomenon first spotted on Saturn by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 has intrigued scientists since the 1980s. More recently, NASA's Cassini mission has periodically observed the hexagon and its embedded ...

Study assesses pollution near Los Angeles-area warehouses

As goods of all shapes and sizes journey from factory to doorstep, chances are they've stopped at a warehouse along the way—likely several of them. The sprawling structures are waypoints in the logistics networks that make ...

Researchers unveil sensor that rapidly detects COVID-19 infection

One feature of the COVID-19 virus that makes it so difficult to contain is that it can be easily spread to others by a person who has yet to show any signs of infection. The carrier of the virus might feel perfectly well ...

A better understanding of how cirrus clouds form

New research provides insights into how cirrus clouds form, with implications for agriculture, urban development and climate-change predictions. The study shows that trees and plants play an important role that affects precipitation ...

Academic performance shapes student social networks

Based on data from the VKontakte social network, researchers at Higher School of Economics and the Vienna Medical University have found a relationship between students' academic performance and their closest social environment. ...

On a collision course with game theory

How do pedestrians behave in a large crowd? How do they avoid collisions? How can their paths be modeled? A new approach developed by mathematicians from Würzburg and Nice provides answers to these questions.

Preservation of floodplains is flood protection

The silting of rivers and streams leads to problems for fish, mussels, and other aquatic organisms because their habitats disappear. However, not only intensive agriculture and erosion are destroying these habitats. Now a ...

Purple plant is on the defensive

While lavender has long been known for its strong scent and soothing oils, a UBC researcher is exploring the plant's ability to create natural pesticides.

Do lime trees kill bees?

Public interest in bees is intense. There's rarely a week that goes by without a story in the press about populations plummeting. Although most of these stories focus on chemical pesticides, other factors may also be affecting ...