Quantum Physics

Scientists succeed in trapping molecules to perform quantum operations for the first time

Molecules haven't been used in quantum computing, even though they have the potential to make the ultra-high-speed experimental technology even faster. Their rich internal structures were seen as too complicated, too delicate, ...

Condensed Matter

Illuminating an asymmetric gap in a topological antiferromagnet

Topological insulators (TIs) are among the hottest topics in condensed matter physics today. They're a bit strange: Their surfaces conduct electricity, yet their interiors do not, instead acting as insulators. Physicists ...

Plastic supercapacitors could solve energy storage problems

Plastics have shaped our modern world and changed the way we live. For decades, they have been primarily used in electronics for their excellent insulating properties. But in the 1970s, scientists accidentally discovered ...

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Medical Xpress

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Longitudinal study reveals HPV infection kinetics

Tech Xplore

NASA rockets to fly through flickering, vanishing auroras

Two NASA rocket missions are taking to the Alaskan skies in hopes of discovering why some auroras flicker, others pulsate, and still others are riddled with holes. Understanding these peculiar features is part of NASA's goal ...

Peptides that can remove microplastics identified

Researchers have identified peptides that can help remove microplastics from the environment by combining biophysical modeling, molecular dynamics, quantum computing, and reinforcement learning. The ultimate goal of the work ...

Does the world need a 'universal language' of accounting?

In the early years of the 21st century, investors had good reason to hope that a single, globally-accepted accounting framework would soon emerge to unite the world's financial markets. It seemed inevitable that the Securities ...

Harnessing proteins to clean contaminated soil

In 2020, the City of Lausanne found that large areas of its soil had been contaminated with dioxins, which are chlorinated organic compounds. This pollution was due mainly to combustion-reliant manufacturing processes.

HIV vaccine candidate activates crucial immune function

Researchers at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute successfully created an HIV vaccine candidate that guides key immune cells along an evolutionary pathway to become broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Stellar pyrotechnics on display in super star cluster

Astronomers have unveiled an explosive cosmic fireworks display of stars interacting with their environment. This dazzling spectacle—due to powerful winds flowing from the stars—marks a major milestone in the ability ...

Copper radical mimics enzyme for highly efficient C-H oxidation

Optically pure alcohols are prevalent motifs in natural products and pharmaceuticals, driving the development of effective methods for their synthesis. Since the first reports of the Kharasch-Sosnovsky reaction in 1958, the ...

Bird flu is mutating, but antivirals still work for now

One of the earliest strains of bird flu isolated from a human in Texas shows a unique constellation of mutations that enable it to more easily replicate in human cells and cause more severe disease in mice compared to a strain ...

New orchid found on Australian island resembles a cupcake

Imagine discovering a tiny orchid perched on a tree branch in a forest. It resembles an orchid you've seen before, but something is subtly different. Could it be a new species that hasn't yet been named or described by science?

AI–based method assesses depression in business leaders

Researchers have developed a novel method to assess depression in CEOs by using machine learning models (a type of artificial intelligence) to analyze vocal acoustic features from conference call recordings. This innovative ...