Condensed Matter

Thermopower-based technique can detect fractional quantum Hall states

If one side of a conducting or semiconducting material is heated while the other remains cool, charge carriers move from the hot side to the cold side, generating an electrical voltage known as thermopower.


The first comprehensive characterization of unconventional superconductivity arising from multipolar moments

Superconductivity is a quantum phenomenon, observed in some materials, that entails the ability to conduct electricity with no resistance below a critical temperature. Over the past few years, physicists and material scientists ...

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Tech Xplore

Drone experiment reveals how Greenland ice sheet is changing

For the first time, researchers have collected detailed measurements of water vapor high above the surface of the Greenland ice sheet. Their research, aided by a custom-designed drone, could help scientists improve ice loss ...

Mapping the future of metamaterials

Metamaterials are artificially-structured materials with extraordinary properties not easily found in nature. With engineered three-dimensional (3D) geometries at the micro- and nanoscale, these architected materials achieve ...

Summer and sex raise feral pig disease risk

Research from the University of Queensland has found the sex of feral pigs and seasonal conditions are likely to intensify potential disease outbreaks in pig populations. The work is published in the journal eLife.

Improving GLP-1 drug delivery by 'painting' it on antibodies

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists are peptide-based therapeutics for treating diabetes and for weight loss. Unfortunately, shortages and high costs have made it difficult for people to start and maintain treatment.

Chewing gum is plastic pollution, not a litter problem

Thousands of tons of plastic pollution could be escaping into the environment every year … from our mouths. Most chewing gum on sale is made from a variety of oil-based synthetic rubbers—similar to the plastic material ...

Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields

On 19 March 2025, the European Space Agency's Euclid mission releases its first batch of survey data, including a preview of its deep fields. Here, hundreds of thousands of galaxies in different shapes and sizes take center ...

Eco-friendly detergent made from wood and corn shows promise

From laundry detergent to dishwasher tablets, cleaning products are an indispensable part of life. Yet the chemicals that make these products so effective can be difficult to break down or could even trigger ecosystem-altering ...