
Using Turing patterns to enhance soft pneumatic technology

According to a recent study in Scientific Reports, Turing patterns can be used to develop a new method for designing and producing fabric-based soft pneumatic actuators (FSPAs).

Space Exploration

SpaceX launches rescue mission to return stranded astronauts

A SpaceX rocket soared into the sky Saturday with two passengers on board, leaving two seats empty to return American astronauts who have been stranded for months on the International Space Station, NASA said.

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Medical Xpress

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Six dead from Marburg viral disease in Rwanda
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Minnesota reports rare human death from rabies

Tech Xplore

59 dead in Nepal as downpours trigger floods

Floods and landslides triggered by heavy downpours in Nepal killed at least 59 people across the Himalayan country, with rescue teams searching for 44 missing, police said Saturday.

Why South America is burning

A record wave of wildfires, fueled by severe drought linked to climate change and deforestation, is causing havoc across South America.

This tiny backyard bug does the fastest backflips on Earth

Move over, Sonic. There's a new spin-jumping champion in town—the globular springtail (Dicyrtomina minuta). This diminutive hexapod backflips into the air, spinning to over 60 times its body height in the blink of an eye, ...

Team using AI finds a cheaper way to make green hydrogen

Researchers at the University of Toronto are using artificial intelligence to accelerate scientific breakthroughs in the search for sustainable energy. They have used the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan ...

New study views wildlife through the lens of diversity

Summer is a popular season to get a pair of binoculars and go out looking for the birds, bears, and bobcats, a pastime that is significantly on the rise for members of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities.

How NASA citizen science fuels future exoplanet research

NASA's upcoming flagship astrophysics missions, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Habitable Worlds Observatory, will study planets outside our solar system, known as exoplanets. More than 5,000 exoplanets have ...

Image: The hidden intricacies of Messier 106

Featured in this new image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope is Messier 106, also known as NGC 4258. This is a nearby spiral galaxy that resides roughly 23 million light-years away in the constellation Canes ...

Finding the happy place of the ibis

University of the Sunshine Coast researchers have confirmed the happy place of one of Australia's smelliest and messiest native birds—the white ibis—and as expected, the closer to rubbish dumps the better.

Promising early tests for variable-thrust landing engine

As part of ESA's Future Launchers Preparatory Program (FLPP), the first phase of hot-fire tests has been completed on a new, variable-thrust rocket engine in Warsaw, Poland. The engine is being developed by a Polish consortium ...

Defending potatoes

About 22% of the potatoes grown in the U.S. are made into chips. And Americans eat more chips—an average of 4 pounds per person per year—than any other country, reports the USDA's Agricultural Research Service.

Japan's 'megaquake' warning explained

Japan's earthquake scientists say the country should prepare for a possible "megaquake" one day that could kill hundreds of thousands of people—although they stress the warning does not mean a colossal tremor is imminent.