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Nanobubble research to improve green hydrogen production

In a novel study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from the University of Twente have made significant strides in understanding the behavior of micro- and nanobubbles on electrodes ...

Electron vortices in graphene detected for the first time

When an ordinary electrical conductor—such as a metal wire—is connected to a battery, the electrons in the conductor are accelerated by the electric field created by the battery. While moving, electrons frequently collide ...

Researchers 'unzip' 2D materials with lasers

In a new paper published on May 1 in the journal Science Advances, researchers at Columbia Engineering used commercially available tabletop lasers to create tiny, atomically sharp nanostructures, or nanopatterns, in samples ...

Tracking the dynamics of biomolecules with optofluidic antennas

In order to better understand fundamental processes in life science at the molecular level, the precise observation of single molecule dynamics is of utmost interest. However, current techniques based on fluorescence measurements ...

More news

New research reveals terahertz waves' impact on dynamics of nanoconfined water molecules
Bio & Medicine
Researchers develop tiny droplets that harness laser light to detect disease markers
Design strategies toward plasmon-enhanced 2D material photodetectors
Enhancing memory technology: Multiferroic nanodots for low-power magnetic storage
Ultrasensitive photonic crystal detects single particles down to 50 nanometers
New model extends theory of pattern formation to the nano-cosmos
Scientists reveal working mechanism of multilayer MoS₂ photodetector with broad spectral range and multiband response
Breaking boundaries in tiny labs: New technology using sound waves has implications for nanoparticle manipulation
Magnetic with a pinch of hydrogen: Research team develops new idea to improve the properties of ultra-thin materials
European XFEL elicits secrets from an important nanogel
Comprehensive model unravels quantum-mechanical effects behind photoluminescence in thin gold films
Thermal properties of new 2D materials for microchips can now be measured well
Two-dimensional nanomaterial sets expansion record
Atom-by-atom: Imaging structural transformations in 2D materials
Quantum electronics: Charge travels like light in bilayer graphene
'Nano stitches' enable lighter and tougher composite materials
Novel method developed for phosphorescent multi-color carbon dots
Evidence for reversible oxygen ion movement during electrical pulsing: Emerging ferroelectricity in binary oxides
A magnetic nanographene butterfly poised to advance quantum technologies
Unraveling the behavior of nanoconfined water and ice in extreme conditions

Other news

General Physics
A model outlining the microscopic origin of black hole entropy
Plants & Animals
Genes provide hope for the survival of Arabia's last big cat
This modified stainless steel could kill bacteria without antibiotics or chemicals
Earth Sciences
Increasing drought puts the resilience of the Amazon rainforest to the test
Earth Sciences
Alaska's rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange
Plants & Animals
Biologists travel with their mobile laboratory to study a wide range of mitochondrial functions in avian migration
Legacy of Indigenous stewardship of camas dates back more than 3,500 years, study finds
Earth Sciences
New 3D models reveal how warming climate affects underwater ocean tides
REBELS-25 is a dynamically cold disk galaxy, observations find
Earth Sciences
Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?
New quantum dot approach can enhance electrical conductivity of solar cells
Plants & Animals
Genetic drift, not natural selection, identified as main factor driving speciation in endangered pupfish species
Plants & Animals
After hundreds of years, study confirms Bermuda now home to cownose rays
Earth Sciences
Satellite radar data uncover 'vigorous melting' at Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier
Plants & Animals
How cockroaches spread around the globe to become the pest we know today
Researchers analyze how a chemical process could help recycle a common plastic waste
Plants & Animals
Study finds cloudy waters may drive African fish to develop bigger eyes
Planetary Sciences
Webb Telescope offers first glimpse of an exoplanet's interior
By listening, scientists learn how a protein folds
Bio & Medicine
Lipid nanoparticle-mRNA regimen reverses inflammation and aids recovery from diabetic wounds in mice

Angle-dependent holograms made possible by metasurfaces

Recently, a research team from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) has employed metasurfaces to fabricate angle-dependent holograms with multiple functions. This technology allows holograms to display multiple ...

Membrane technology: Looking deep into the smallest pores

Membranes of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VaCNT) can be used to clean or desalinate water at high flow rate and low pressure. Recently, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and partners carried out ...

Research team discovers two-dimensional waveguides

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in collaboration with Kansas State University, has discovered slab waveguides based on the two-dimensional material hexagonal boron nitride. This milestone has been reported in the ...