New mechanism unlocked for evolution of green fluorescent protein

A primary challenge in the biosciences is to understand the way major evolutionary changes in nature are accomplished. Sometimes the route turns out to be very simple. An example of such simplicity is provided in a new publication ...

Researchers develop new model of cellular movement

( —Cell movement plays an important role in a host of biological functions from embryonic development to repairing wounded tissue. It also enables cancer cells to break free from their sites of origin and migrate ...

Scientists shed light on body's master energy regulator

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered some key features that explain just what turns on a protein that is considered to be a master regulator of how the human body uses ...

Scientists develop a more effective molecular modeling process

It's difficult and time-consuming to produce accurate computer models of molecules, primarily because traditional modeling methods are limited in their ability to handle alternative molecular shapes and, consequently, are ...

New technique can identify role of proteins with unknown function

(—An ingenious new technique is making it quicker and easier for scientists to identify the function of uncharacterized proteins in cells. The method, developed by researchers primarily from the Wladek Minor laboratory ...

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