How housing discrimination affects environmental inequality

Economists and urban planners generally agree that local pollution sources disproportionally impact racial minorities in the U.S. The reasons for this are largely unclear, but a University of Illinois study provides new insights ...

Don't confuse luck with skill when rewarding performance

Managers and those who evaluate the performance of others, whether in the workplace or on the sporting field, are likely to be often confusing luck with skill, and over rewarding those who are just lucky, a new study reveals.

Risk aversion rises with violent crime

Fear in the wake of violent conflicts causes people to take fewer risks, which may come at the expense of bettering their lives and the economy.

Study shows promoting one woman helps many more

In the midst of intense national scrutiny of gender equality and sexual harassment in the workplace, one University of Virginia economist's work offers a glimpse of a solution.

Researchers find a fast road out of poverty

New research has measured the 'wealth effect' of upgrading the infrastructure in poorer sections of cities. Revamps, such as surfacing roads and joining them to the city grid, dramatically push up prices of the adjoining ...

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