New approach to epidemic modeling could speed up pandemic simulations

Simulations that help determine how a large-scale pandemic will spread can take weeks or even months to run. A recent study in PLOS Computational Biology offers a new approach to epidemic modeling that could drastically speed ...

Harnessing smartphones to track how people use green spaces

A new study demonstrates how anonymized GPS data from people's smartphones can be used to monitor the public's use of parks and other green spaces in urban areas, which could help inform their management. Alessandro Filazzola ...

Study shows how moral behavior pays off in the end

Selfless behavior and cooperation cannot be taken for granted. Mohammad Salahshour of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (now at Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior), has used a game theory-based ...

Clarifying the chaos of narwhal behavior

Researchers have used the mathematical equations of chaos theory to analyze the data from long-term monitoring of an electronically tagged narwhal. They have extracted previously undetected diurnal patterns within what initially ...

Honeybees are less likely to sting in larger groups

To sting or not to sting? An alarm pheromone plays a decisive role in bees' willingness to sting—and their group size, as scientists from the University of Konstanz have now shown

Using mathematics to treat malaria

The global effect of malaria is devastating. In 2020, there were more than 240 million cases and over 600,000 deaths, mostly in lower income countries in Africa. The most vulnerable are children under the age of five.

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