A growth mindset of interest can spark innovative thinking

From climate change to the ongoing pandemic and beyond, the issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic. Yet solving problems like these—which interweave social, environmental, physical, and political ...

If you demonstrate that 'Black Lives Matter,' others will too

The "Black Lives Matter" hashtag evolved as a call for social change aimed at increasing the conversation about racial inequality. But what if social change was less dependent on talking and more dependent on nonverbal communication?

Why it pays to notice emotions in the workplace

Alisa Yu first became intrigued with emotional acknowledgment while interviewing nurses working in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. The nurses told her that verbally acknowledging ...

New research explores why people 'pass the buck'

People are more likely to delegate decisions—or "pass the buck"—when faced with choices that affect others than when those decisions affect only themselves, according to new research from Mary Steffel, assistant professor ...

Humility is a double-edged sword for some leaders, study shows

Most would agree that hubris is commonplace in corporate America. (Cue the joke that CEO stands for chief ego officer.) Some studies have concluded that the very narcissism that defines many leaders is detrimental to good ...

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