Naturwissenschaften - The Science of Nature - is Springer's flagship multidisciplinary science journal covering all aspect of the natural sciences. The journal is dedicated to the fast publication of high-quality research covering the whole range of the biological, chemical, geological, and physical sciences. Particularly welcomed are contributions that bridge between traditionally isolated areas and attempt to increase the conceptual understanding of systems and processes that demand an interdisciplinary approach. However, this does not exclude the publication of high-quality topical articles, which will continue to be the core of the journal. 

Springer Science+Business Media Springer
Impact factor
2.126 (2008)

Some content from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY-SA

Bird senses can improve drone navigation

South American oilbirds combine echolocation and extremely sensitive vision to find their way through dark caves. Decoding how they do this could help develop autonomous drones.

Did cavemen use toothpicks?

Researchers say they've found evidence that ancient human relatives used toothpicks.

Raw foodies: Europe's earliest humans did not use fire

Studying dental plaque from a 1.2 million year old hominin (early human species), recovered by the Atapuerca Research Team in 2007 in Sima del Elefante in northern Spain, archaeologists extracted microfossils to find the ...

Light causes drosophila to take longer midday nap

Fruit flies' activity peaks in the morning and late afternoon. The insects extend their midday siesta on long summer days. Researchers from the University of Würzburg have now discovered what triggers this behaviour. A miniature ...

Ants are more than just convenience food to young spiders

Harvester ants are more than just a convenient snack for the southern European spider, Euryopis episinoides. The young spiderlings innately have a nose for these ants, report Stano Pekár and Manuel Cárdenas of the Masaryk ...

Using poison-frog compounds to control fire ants

Since its accidental introduction into the United States from South America in the 1930s, the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, has spread throughout the southern United States, decimating small-animal populations, ...

Dolphins are attracted to magnets

Dolphins are indeed sensitive to magnetic stimuli, as they behave differently when swimming near magnetized objects. So says Dorothee Kremers and her colleagues at Ethos unit of the Université de Rennes in France, in a study ...

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