How gas nanobubbles accelerate solid-liquid-gas reactions

Solid-liquid-gas reactions are common in various natural phenomenon and industrial applications, such as hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell reactions, heterogeneous catalysis and metal corrosion in ambient environments. However, the ...

Exploring nature's own assembly line

Today the raw ingredients for virtually all industrial products, ranging from medicines to car tires, come from non-renewable chemical feedstocks. They are produced in fossil fuel refineries that emit greenhouse gases, such ...

New ultrathin capacitor could enable energy-efficient microchips

The silicon-based computer chips that power our modern devices require vast amounts of energy to operate. Despite ever-improving computing efficiency, information technology is projected to consume around 25% of all primary ...

New device gets scientists closer to quantum materials breakthrough

Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a new photonic device that could get scientists closer to the "holy grail" of finding the global minimum of mathematical ...

Finding superconductivity in nickelates

The study of superconductivity is littered with disappointments, dead ends, and serendipitous discoveries, according to Antia Botana, professor of physics at Arizona State University.

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