Nanocomposite provides picture-perfect X-ray capture

A nanocomposite that absorbs X-rays and then, with nearly perfect efficiency, re-emits the captured energy as light, could help to improve high-resolution medical imaging and security screening. The material's near-100 percent ...

Scientists invent new sensing eye mask

From the team that invented physiology-sensing pajamas at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, now comes a new, lightweight eye mask that can unobtrusively capture pulse, eye movement and sleep signals, for example, when ...

Researchers create highly conductive metallic gel for 3D printing

Researchers have developed a metallic gel that is highly electrically conductive and can be used to print three-dimensional (3D) solid objects at room temperature. The paper, "Metallic Gels for Conductive 3D and 4D Printing," ...

Thermal vision of snakes inspires soft pyroelectric materials

Converting heat into electricity is a property thought to be reserved only for stiff materials like crystals. However, researchers—inspired by the infrared (IR) vision of snakes—developed a mathematical model for converting ...

Molecule from nature provides fully recyclable polymers

Plastics are among the most successful materials of modern times. However, they also create a huge waste problem. Scientists from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and the East China University of Science and ...

Organic materials show promise for improved X-ray imaging

Stable low-cost organic-based materials could transform X-ray imaging by improving fabrication methods and providing reliable high-resolution imaging results. Now, KAUST researchers have developed a novel approach for designing ...

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