The Marine Ecology Progress Series is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers all aspects of marine ecology. The journal was founded by Otto Kinne. Its original concept was based on Marine Ecology, also edited by Kinne and published by John Wiley & Sons. Kinne is still the editor-in-chief of the journal. The Marine Ecology Progress Series is indexed and abstracted in Biological Abstracts, Scopus, and the Science Citation Index. Official website

Inter Research
Impact factor
2.483 (2010)

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Surprising insights into the world's farthest-migrating species

The Arctic tern—which has the world record for the longest annual migration—uses just a few select routes, a key finding that could help efforts to conserve the species, according to a new University of British Columbia ...

Coral fights back against crown of thorns starfish

Coral can fight back against attacking juvenile crown of thorns starfish—using stinging cells to injure and even kill, showing that coral are not as passive as people may think.

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