Phones are making people more, not less, social, researcher says

Smartphones are getting a bum rap. The common perception that as people become increasingly attached to their devices they are becoming less social is just wrong, according to Stanford communication scholar Gabriella Harari.

Study shows the social benefits of political incorrectness

When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refers to immigrant detention centers as "concentration camps," or President Trump calls immigrants "illegals," they may take some heat for being politically incorrect. But using politically ...

White people struggle to perceive emotion on black people's faces

An international study, in which the University of Granada (UGR) participated, has found that white people have difficulty distinguishing emotions on black people's faces—a problem that does not appear to arise the other ...

Surrounded by low achievers—High on positive emotions?

The phenomenon tremendously important for a person's self-perception is referred to as the "Big Fish, Little Pond Effect" (BFLPE). A fish perceives itself as big when it swims in a comparatively small pond. This means: If ...

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