Overconfidence linked to one's view of intelligence

Washington State University researcher Joyce Ehrlinger has found that a person's tendency to be overconfident increases if he or she thinks intelligence is fixed and unchangeable.

Abstract thinking can make you more politically moderate

Partisans beware! Some of your most cherished political attitudes may be malleable! Researchers report that simply answering three "why" questions on an innocuous topic leads people to be more moderate in their views on an ...

Understanding intent crucial to improving race relations

Improving race relations starts with understanding whether people feel an incident of racial discrimination was intentional or not, says a new study by UTM management professor Sonia Kang. This applies in situations ranging ...

We don't like domineering bosses. So why do we put up with them?

Have you ever had a really bad boss? Think Alec Baldwin as Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross, who announces that "coffee's for closers only" and then threatens the salesmen he supervises with a number of choice terms not suitable ...

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