Elevation in buildings can affect the decisions we make

People rely on financial managers, doctors and lawyers to be as objective as possible when making decisions about investments, health and legal issues, but findings from a new study suggest that an unexpected factor could ...

When brands tempt us to lie, cheat and steal

While many people consider themselves generally moral and honest, even the most upstanding citizens will likely become willing to lie, cheat and steal under certain circumstances, according to evidence from a new study in ...

Who's judging you based on brand choices?

While it may seem like a given that people judge others by the brand of clothes they wear, the cars they drive and electronic gadgets they use, new research suggests that this may not be the case as often as we think.

Price awareness can be a buzzkill

Most people who buy a new car, electronic device or music album online want to enjoy the purchase as long as possible, but researchers have discovered something that decreases our satisfaction more quickly.

Using customer names pays off – unless you get it wrong

Personalizing products and services is becoming more prevalent. Coffee shops, such as Starbucks, put customers' names on beverage cups, flight attendants address first-class fliers by name and direct mail, such as catalogs, ...

A recipe for friendship: Similar food

How do you build rapport with a new employer or someone on a first date? It turns out that there may be a simple strategy that's often overlooked: eat the same food as your companion.

How to boost online ratings

Have you ever wondered how to get your customers to write more positive reviews? Wait a while before you ask for feedback about a service or product.

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