Scientists develop new system to study emerging tickborne disease

Tickborne diseases are on the rise, and one in particular is emerging in the United States and Canada. Human babesiosis is an infection that can cause a range of symptoms and even death. Little is known about one of the parasites ...

An RNA key that unlocks innate immunity

RNA has long been the neglected middle child of biomolecules, the go-between between DNA, which encodes the cell's instructions, and proteins, which carry them out. Increasingly, though, researchers are recognizing RNA as ...

Bacterial protein mimics DNA to sabotage cells' defenses

Infections with Salmonella bacteria, often caused by eating or handling undercooked meat or eggs, affect about 100 million people a year worldwide. The suffering the infection causes—abdominal cramps, fever and diarrhea—is ...

When more bone-making cells equal less bone

A rare mutation in a gene causes weak bones in mice and people – but not for the reasons you might expect. UConn researchers report in the Sept. 7 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry how this mutation creates more ...

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