Pine tree carbs may help improve dogs' digestive tract health

Carbohydrates from a perhaps surprising source—pine trees—may have beneficial effects on dogs' digestive-system health, according to collaborative studies by Agricultural Research Service, university, and corporate scientists.

Chickens with bigger gizzards are more efficient

According to animal scientists, farmers could further protect the environment by breeding chickens with larger digestive organs. This research, published in the February issue of the Journal of Animal Science, could solve ...

Distillers grains with calcium oxide improve cattle diets

Research by Purdue University scientist Jon Schoonmaker and his colleagues has shown that small amounts of calcium oxide can neutralize the acid in distillers grains, a commonly used alternative to corn in many livestock ...

Hemp byproducts are good alternative feed for lambs, study finds

An Oregon State University study found that spent hemp biomass—the main byproduct of the cannabinoid (CBD) extraction process of hemp—can be included in lamb diets without any major detrimental effects to the health of ...

New probiotic improves pig health, reduces manure output

A new probiotic for pigs could mean less manure to manage, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists conducted the first published investigation of the use ...

New study offers good news for pork producers

What happens when meat scientists get their hands on nearly 8,000 commercially raised pigs? They spend a year running dozens of tests and crunching numbers to arrive at research-backed management recommendations for pork ...

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