Cloning of Northern Mexico cactus proves useful in conservation

Endangerment of certain cacti species is caused by multiple factors, most notably illicit extraction. In an effort to curb this endangerment and plan for repopulation of threatened species, scientists have been researching ...

Heirloom dry beans suitable for small-scale organic production

Consumer demand for organic heirloom dry beans is on the rise. According to the authors of a new study, the number of acres of land used for certified organic dry bean production has increased significantly in recent years, ...

Restoring the American chestnut

The American chestnut was once a mainstay in hardwood forests as far north as Maine and as far south as Georgia and Mississippi. A massive chestnut blight in the early part of the 20th century ended the mighty chestnut's ...

Impacts of salinity determined for agave

As groundwater levels decline, identifying plants that can thrive in low water conditions is increasingly important. A new study focused on Agave, a species that has the ability to be highly water-use efficient in hot, drought-prone ...

Recycling pecan wood for commercial growing substrates

In the ornamental greenhouse and nursery industries, concerns over peatmoss availability, cost, and harvest restrictions have created an imminent need to identify alternative substrates used in the production of potted plants. ...

Production practices evaluated for organic trailing blackberry

Organic blackberry production is becoming an important niche market in Oregon, where nearly 50% of conventional and organic blackberries in the U.S. are grown. In the area, trailing blackberry types used for the processed ...

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