LED lights, info treatments boost microgreen preference

Since microgreens entered the market in the 1980s and 1990s, their use has expanded far beyond being a garnish in high-end restaurants. They can now be found in casual dining establishments and private homes. They are used ...

Apple tree conversion to narrow walls via hedging, root pruning

Fruit trees are pruned to maintain a desired tree shape and size to increase light penetration into the canopy, thereby enhancing fruit quality and flower bud development. Most modern apple orchards consist of high-density ...

High heat, ethylene levels independently halt tomato fruit set

Ethylene is an essential plant hormone at low concentrations. Concentrations in the field rarely exceed 5 nmol⋅mol−1 (0.005 ppm), but it can accumulate as a gas in closed, indoor environments. These elevated levels can ...

Integrated grafting system developed for passion fruit plantlets

Passion fruit has become an important fruit crop in Taiwan and Southeast Asia due to its special taste and nutrient-rich flesh. However, it is seriously harmed by viruses, blight, and brown spot diseases. As a result of virus ...

Nutrient uptake in citrus rootstock affected by huanglongbing

Huanglongbing (HLB) is presumably caused by the phloem-limited bacteria, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), and is one of the most devastating diseases of citrus. A distinctive chlorotic mottle on fully expanded leaves ...

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