An entire botanical garden of genomes

An article published today in the Open-Access journal GigaScience provides data that effectively triples the number of plant species with available genome data. This mammoth amount of work comes on the back of the growing ...

The warm and loving tegu lizard becomes a genetic resource

Published today in the open-access journal GigaScience is an article that presents the genome of the tegu lizard, which has mastered a trick that is highly unusual in the reptile world: it can turn on its own heating system. ...

Elusive venomous mammal joins the genome club

In the open-access journal GigaScience, scientists have presented a draft genome of a small shrew-like animal, the venomous Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus). This species is unusual not only because it is one of ...

Scientists publish the water buffalo genome

An international team of researchers led by the University of Adelaide has published the full genome of the water buffalo – opening the way for improved breeding and conservation of this economically important animal.

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