Multiple cosmic impacts 790,000 years ago

Approximately 790,000 years ago, there were multiple cosmic impacts on earth with global consequences. Geoscientists from Heidelberg University reached this conclusion after dating so-called tektites from various parts of ...

How friendly is Enceladus' ocean to life?

How acidic is the ocean on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus? It's a fundamental question to understanding if this geyser-spouting moon could support life.

Study sheds light on aluminum reaction in low pH environments

Within the deep strata of the San Telmo "acid pit lake" in southwestern Spain rests a wealth of rich geochemical knowledge. That knowledge recently helped researchers at Penn State discover new information about the chemical ...

Swan River flowing with gold

Solid gold particles have been discovered in the Swan River, but don't grab your prospecting kit just yet.

Intensity of desert storms may affect ocean phytoplankton

Each spring, powerful dust storms in the deserts of Mongolia and northern China send thick clouds of particles into the atmosphere. Eastward winds sweep these particles as far as the Pacific, where dust ultimately settles ...

Cracking open diamonds for messages from the deep earth

Geochemist Yaakov Weiss deals in diamonds. Not the brilliant jewelry-store kind, but the flawed, dirty-looking ones used more for industry than decoration. Gem-grade diamonds are generally pure crystallized carbon, ...

Comet Wild 2: A window into the birth of the solar system?

Our solar system, and other planetary systems, started as a disk of microscopic dust, gas, and ice around the young Sun. The amazing diversity of objects in the solar system today - the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets ...

Encouraging minerals to capture troubling radionuclides

Associated with contamination in certain spots around the world, pentavalent neptunium does not always behave the same as its stand-in when moving through the soil, according to scientists at University of Notre Dame and ...

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