Rocks beneath Antarctic Ice Sheet reveal surprising past

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is shrinking, with many glaciers across the region retreating and melting at an alarming rate. However, this was not always the case according to new research published last month (April 28) in ...

Palsa mires continue to degrade at a rapid pace

Palsa mires found in the northernmost peatlands of Lapland are the main permafrost landforms in Fennoscandia. As the climate warms, palsa mires are expected to disappear and no new palsas have been observed to form. Active ...

Mapping hidden meltwater paths in glaciers

Norwegian and Estonian researchers have developed a method to map hidden meltwater paths in glaciers. Having a better understanding of how water moves inside and under the glaciers helps to better predict the motion, melting ...

Study: Already shrunk by half, Swiss glaciers melting faster

Switzerland's 1,400 glaciers have lost more than half their total volume since the early 1930s, a new study has found, and researchers say the ice retreat is accelerating at a time of growing concerns about climate change.

A historical perspective on glacial retreat

Researchers at ETH Zurich and WSL have for the first time reconstructed the extent of Switzerland's glacier ice loss in the 20th century. For this purpose, the researchers used historical imagery and conclude that the country's ...

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