New record set for carbon-carbon single bond length

Hokkaido University researchers have synthesized an organic compound with a longer bond between carbon atoms than ever before—exceeding the assumed limit for carbon-carbon single bond (C-C) lengths. The researchers termed ...

Durable wood 'sponges' act as green sensors of mechanical strain

Striking just the right balance between softness and sturdiness, balsa wood is a choice material for crafting anything from model airplanes to full-size wind turbine blades. Scientists in the United States and China have ...

Corralling xenon gas out of waste streams

From space propulsion to lighting to surgical anesthesia, the applications and needs for xenon gas are growing. And the good news is that researchers are advancing the science to more easily remove xenon from waste streams ...

Super-adsorbent MOF captures twice its weight in water

Material chemists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have developed a superporous solid made up of a patchwork of metal ions and organic linkers (a metal-organic framework, or MOF) that can suck up to 200% of its own weight in ...

Discovery lights path for Alzheimer's research

A probe invented at Rice University that lights up when it binds to a misfolded amyloid beta peptide—the kind suspected of causing Alzheimer's disease—has identified a specific binding site on the protein that could facilitate ...

Speedy urine test for amphetamines sends results via app

Researchers in Korea have developed a wireless sensor and a smartphone app that can detect the presence of speed in a drop of human urine in seconds. The prototype device is also portable enough to be worn as a bracelet, ...

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