A new material for the battery of the future

Renewable sources of energy such as wind or photovoltaic are intermittent; production peaks do not necessarily follow the demand peaks. Storing green energy is therefore essential to moving away from fossil fuels. The energy ...

New record set for carbon-carbon single bond length

Hokkaido University researchers have synthesized an organic compound with a longer bond between carbon atoms than ever before—exceeding the assumed limit for carbon-carbon single bond (C-C) lengths. The researchers termed ...

How gold nanoparticles could improve solar energy storage

Star-shaped gold nanoparticles, coated with a semiconductor, can produce hydrogen from water over four times more efficiently than other methods—opening the door to improved storage of solar energy and other advances that ...

A new reaction to enhance aromatic ketone use in chemical synthesis

Aromatic ketones have long been valuable intermediates in chemical synthesis, particularly in cross-coupling reactions where different chemical entities are combined to form new compounds. For instance, a process called deacylative ...

Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water

NUS chemists have developed carbon-conjugated covalent organic frameworks for visible light-driven catalytic production of hydrogen gas from water.

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