The effects of tightening a molecular knot

A study conducted by Anne-Sophie Duwez and Damien Sluysmans from the NANOCHEM group at the University of Liège (Belgium) has made it possible to decode the mechanical response of small-molecule synthetic overhand knots by ...

Spatiotemporal segregation of chiral supramolecular polymers

In 1848, Louis Pasteur successfully segregated two types of crystals of double sodium-ammonium salt of tartaric acid, which were mirror images of each other. Back then, this was done manually through a painstaking process ...

Team designs system to create bioplastics

A team of Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists has developed a system that uses carbon dioxide, CO2, to produce biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics, that could replace the nondegradable plastics used today. The research ...

Fluorescence patterns aid medical diagnostics

Standard medical imaging readily detects most solid brain cancers, one third of which are gliomas. Unfortunately, two complex surgeries are often necessary. But now, researchers from Japan may have devised a way to perform ...

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