How fingerprints get their unique whorls

An international team of scientists with a myriad of backgrounds has revealed the process by which unique fingerprints develop. In their research, published open access in the journal Cell, the group studied the development ...

Researchers uncover the diversity of viroids and viroid-like agents

A team of researchers from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and collaborating academic research institutions have developed a computational pipeline to identify and better understand viroids and viroid-like covalently ...

Endogenous retroviruses: Link to programmed aging found

The co-option between viruses and humans plays important roles during human evolution. Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), belonging to long terminal repeat retrotransposons, are a relic of ancient retroviral infection, fixed ...

Scientists take another step toward creating better pain medications

In the continuing effort to improve upon opioid pain relievers, American and Chinese scientists used cryoEM technology to solve the detailed structures of the entire family of opioid receptors bound to their naturally occurring ...

A win-win for cell communities: Cells that cooperate live longer

When cells exchange metabolic products with other cells, they live longer. This new finding comes from a research team at Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, which made the discovery in a study using yeast cells. The ...

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