Whole-genome sequencing of bulls in key beef and dairy breeds

An international collaboration known as the '1000 Bull Genomes Project' aims to accelerate breeding for desired traits in beef and dairy cattle while also improving animal health and welfare. Results of the project's first ...

Soil provides new microbial sources for natural products

The role of the soil as a treasure trove of new, useful, natural products is again confirmed by the discovery of as yet unknown genes in Lysobacter bacteria. Research conducted by Wageningen UR and NIOO shows that these genes ...

New tool to unlock genetics of grape-growing

University of Adelaide researchers have developed a new web-based tool to help unlock the complex genetics and biological processes behind grapevine development.

Simple moss plants outperform us by gene number

At the genetic level, mosses are more complex than humans: A group of German, Belgian and Japanese scientists, coordinated by Professor Ralf Reski from the University of Freiburg, Germany, published a new study where they ...

What causes rats without a Y chromosome to become male?

A look at the brains of an endangered spiny rat off the coast of Japan by University of Missouri (MU) Bond Life Sciences Center scientist Cheryl Rosenfeld could illuminate the subtle genetic influences that stimulate a mammal's ...

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