Aging Cell is the leading journal in geriatrics and gerontology and aims to publish novel and exciting science which addresses fundamental issues in the molecular biology of aging. All areas of aging biology are welcome in the journal and the experimental approaches used can be wide-ranging. With rapid developments in genomics, proteomics and other high throughput technologies, the combined analytical powers of genetics, biochemistry and cell biology are leading to increasingly rapid discoveries on the basic mechanisms of biological aging. Aging Cell welcomes the results of this exciting research.

Impact factor
6.265 (2011)

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Study finds clues to aging in 'junk' DNA

For decades, greater than 60% of the human genome was believed to be "junk DNA" that served little or no purpose in the course of human development. Recent research by Colorado State University is challenging this notion ...

Shedding light on health and zombie cells in aging

With age, cells can experience senescence, a state where they stop growing but continue releasing inflammatory and tissue-degrading molecules. When a person is young, the immune system responds and eliminates senescent cells, ...

Reprogramming tissue mechanically to promote wound healing

Researchers at PSI and ETH Zurich have taken connective tissue cells that have been mechanically reprogrammed to resemble stem cells and transplanted them into damaged skin. In their laboratory experiment, they were able ...

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