New method greatly improves X-ray nanotomography resolution

It's been a truth for a long time: if you want to study the movement and behavior of single atoms, electron microscopy can give you what X-rays can't. X-rays are good at penetrating into samples—they allow you to see what ...

Nanoneedle breakthrough gives hope for cheaper cancer treatment

Australian scientists have successfully found a way to inject beneficial genetic material into white blood cells in a world-first breakthrough that could significantly improve treatment options for certain types of blood ...

Elements in liquid metals compete to win the surface

Some alloys are in the liquid state at or near room temperature. These alloys are usually composed of gallium and indium (elements used in low energy lamps), tin and bismuth (materials used in constructions). The ratio and ...

A low-tech way to create high-tech materials

AMOLF researcher Christiaan Van Campenhout has found a new, simple method to create a material with a regular pattern of crystalline bands. The pattern formed by the crystals is not a coincidence.

Scientists develop environmentally safe, frost-resistant coatings

Airports are busy, especially during the winter. As passengers wait to board, delays get longer when airplanes need to be dowsed with thousands of gallons of deicing fluids that help them fight the frigid winter. But as soon ...

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