Terahertz spectroscopy goes nano

Brown University researchers have demonstrated a way to bring a powerful form of spectroscopy—a technique used to study a wide variety of materials—into the nano-world.

A dash of gold improves microlasers

Gold. The word brings to mind wedding rings, buried treasure and California in the 1840's. But when gold is reduced to 1/100,000 the size of a human hair, it takes on an entirely new personality.

The quantum sniffer dog

As humans, we sniff out different scents and aromas using chemical receptors in our noses. In technological gas detection, however, there are a whole host of other methods available. One such method is to use infrared lasers, ...

Molybdenum disulfide holds promise for light absorption

Mechanics know molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a useful lubricant in aircraft and motorcycle engines and in the CV and universal joints of trucks and automobiles. Rice University engineering researcher Isabell Thomann knows ...

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