Edible holograms could someday decorate foods

Holograms are everywhere, from driver's licenses to credit cards to product packaging. And now, edible holograms could someday enhance foods. Researchers reporting in ACS Nano have developed a laser-based method to print ...

An easily reversed hydrogel male contraceptive

A team of researchers working at China's Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University has developed a new kind of male contraceptive that is easily reversed. In their paper published in the journal ACS Nano, the group describes ...

A hydrogel that could help repair damaged nerves

Injuries to peripheral nerves—tissues that transmit bioelectrical signals from the brain to the rest of the body—often result in chronic pain, neurologic disorders, paralysis or disability. Now, researchers have developed ...

Nanoparticles to immunize plants against heat stress

Civil and Environmental Engineering's Greg Lowry and his team are creating nanoparticles (NP) and NP coatings that will revolutionize the agricultural industry. Already, his research has demonstrated that NPs that are coated ...

Scientists use bacteria as micro-3-D printers

A team at Aalto University has used bacteria to produce intricately designed three-dimensional objects made of nanocellulose. With their technique, the researchers are able to guide the growth of bacterial colonies through ...

Designing peptide inhibitors for possible COVID-19 treatments

Scientists across the globe are rushing to find inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are using computer simulations to identify promising compounds before conducting actual experiments ...

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