The New Laptops

It’s not your parent’s laptop: new models offer a wide range of different configurations for every need and taste.

Skinput turns your arm into a touchscreen (w/ Video)

( -- If you find yourself getting annoyed at the tiny touchscreens on today's mobile devices, you might be interested in a "new" yet overlooked input surface: yourself. A new skin-based interface called Skinput ...

Chimps in Senegal found to fashion spears for hunting

(—Members of a troop of chimpanzees living at a site called Fongoli in southeastern Senegal have been observed by scientists fashioning tree branches into spears and using them to hunt and kill bushbabies. The ...

Intel's Light Peak Will Replace Copper Wires

( -- At the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco Wednesday, the company announced a new optical cable that will be able to transfer data, between electrical devices, starting at speeds of 10 gigabits per second.

Altamura Man yields oldest Neanderthal DNA sample

(—A team of researchers working in Italy has confirmed that Altamura Man was a Neanderthal and dating of pieces of calcite which were on the remains has revealed that the bones are 128,000 to 187,000 years old. ...

Physicists experimentally realize a quantum Hilbert hotel

(—In 1924, the mathematician David Hilbert described a hotel with an infinite number of rooms that are all occupied. Demonstrating the counterintuitive nature of infinity, he showed that the hotel could still accommodate ...

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