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Study examines impacts of increased smoke on California lakes

As much as 70% of California was covered by wildfire smoke during parts of 2020 and 2021, according to a study from the University of California, Davis. The study, published in the journal Communications: Earth & Environment, ...

Tracking down toxic metals from tobacco smoke

Cigarette smoke has been studied for years, revealing a multitude of contaminants, including toxic metals. But exactly which of those metals can be traced to secondhand or thirdhand smoke?

Improving the effectiveness of earthquake early warning systems

Mobile phones have become invaluable for receiving emergency alerts such as weather warnings, evacuation notices and notifications about missing persons. In Japan, where earthquakes are frequent, they are vital for delivering ...

Five ways to keep towns cool in a heat wave

Along with warmer and wetter winters across the UK and Europe, our summers are getting hotter with more frequent periods of extreme hot weather. And as well as affecting agriculture, infrastructure and wildlife, hot weather ...

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Researchers say economies in South China and Indochina set to suffer under precipitation extremes
Earth Sciences
Researchers investigate meridional deflection of global eddy propagation derived from tandem altimetry
Earth Sciences
A review of the applications of mercury stable isotopes for tracing volcanism in geologic events
Schools, factories closed after quake 'swarm' near Naples
Kenya is badly prepared for floods: Four steps to reduce devastation and deaths
Demise of rangelands 'severely underestimated': Report
India shuts schools as temperatures soar
Sea levels are starting to rise faster: Here's how much South Florida is expecting
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Alaska's rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange
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Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?
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New 3D models reveal how warming climate affects underwater ocean tides
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Satellite radar data uncover 'vigorous melting' at Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier
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Increasing drought puts the resilience of the Amazon rainforest to the test
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Study finds evidence that subduction zone splay faults compound hazards of great earthquakes
Earth Sciences
Record low Antarctic sea ice 'extremely unlikely' without climate change, says scientists
Decarbonization dynamics: New analysis unveils shifting trends in the voluntary carbon offset market
Combating air pollution in China: Why secondary pollutants are now a primary concern
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Unraveling the drought dilemma in South Korea: Can reservoirs be a carbon source?
Storytelling in the metaverse can spur environmental action
Extreme heat waves in south and southeast Asia are a sign of things to come

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The tunable coupling of two distant superconducting spin qubits
Excavation reveals 'major' ancient migration to Timor Island
General Physics
Neutrons open window to explore space glass
DNA analysis reveals that Jamestown Colony residents ate dogs with Indigenous ancestry
Observations investigate properties of nearby brown dwarf HD 33632 Ab
Researchers discover hidden step in dinosaur feather evolution
Researchers succeed for first time in accurately dating a 7,000-year-old prehistoric settlement using cosmic rays
Analytical Chemistry
New catalyst transforms carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into commonly used chemicals
Political science
Study shows COVID-related private funding had little effect in 2020 presidential election
Study finds widespread 'cell cannibalism' and related phenomena across tree of life
Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread
Researchers use hydrogel chemistry and microfabrication to miniaturize and integrate components into bioelectronics
Plants & Animals
Detecting odors on the edge: Researchers decipher how insects smell more with less
Planetary Sciences
Peering into Pluto's ocean using mathematical models and images from the New Horizons spacecraft
New crystal production method could enhance quantum computers and electronics
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers introduce programmable materials to help heal broken bones
Costly gas separation may not be needed to recycle CO₂ from air and industrial plants
Conservation of 'Nature's Strongholds' needed to halt biodiversity loss, say researchers
Body lice may be bigger plague spreaders than previously thought
Math discovery provides new method to study cell activity, aging