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China's forests are absorbing carbon—but for how long?

China's natural forests play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and fighting climate change. But how much more carbon can they store? A new study in Forest Ecosystems provides a detailed estimate, revealing that while ...

China missed key climate target last year: official data

China missed a key climate target in 2024 and emissions in the world's second-largest economy rose slightly as coal remained dominant despite record renewable additions, official data showed Friday.

Two dead as cyclone Garance batters French island

Cyclone Garance barrelled across La Reunion island on Friday killing at least two people as fierce winds left destruction across the French Indian Ocean territory, authorities said.

Nations back $200 billion-a-year plan to reverse nature losses

More than 140 countries adopted a strategy to mobilize hundreds of billions of dollars a year to help reverse dramatic losses in biodiversity, though failed to decide on establishing a new global nature fund—a key demand ...

Hundreds of firings at key US climate agency: lawmaker

Hundreds of scientists and experts have been fired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a leading US agency responsible for weather forecasting, climate analysis, marine conservation and more, ...

Scientists match Earth's ice age cycles with orbital shifts

Beginning around 2.5 million years ago, Earth entered an era marked by successive ice ages and interglacial periods, emerging from the last glaciation around 11,700 years ago. A new analysis suggests the onset of the next ...

Proposed 'weather control' bans surge across US states

Fake stories that atmospheric experiments are triggering natural disasters have led to US states pushing blanket bans on weather modification, which experts say may jeopardize current local scientific programs and hinder ...

More news

Earth Sciences
Machine learning approach simulates geochemical element concentrations in rocks and stream sediments
Adapting to climate change is limited by people's behavior: How social innovation can help
Experts call for ban on toxic chemicals in plastics
The atmosphere is getting better at cleaning itself—but that's not all good news
New report slaps an official price tag on Australia's precious natural assets
Why Freetown's celebrated tree planting scheme won't work for other African cities, or the planet
Earth Sciences
Downscaling method creates high-resolution soil moisture mapping in rough terrain
New England ocean warming slows but temperatures remain high
Big corporations are getting away with catastrophic air pollution—putting Canadians at risk
Alberta's oil and gas wells threaten people's health, but there are disparities in who is most at risk
UN nature talks in last sprint to break fund deadlock
Earth Sciences
Computer simulations show nightmare Atlantic current shutdown less likely this century
Atmospheric pollutants surprisingly helpful in offsetting primary productivity decline in Indian Ocean
Earth Sciences
Discovery suggests there could be huge amounts of helium in Earth's core
Earth Sciences
Properties of rocks in fault zones contribute to earthquake generation, study shows
Nvidia's CorrDiff uses AI to generate higher resolution local weather forecasting
Earth Sciences
Next-generation forecasting tool could offer early warning for volcanic eruptions
Earth Sciences
Beyond the burn: Harvesting dead wood to reduce wildfires and store carbon
Impact of unexploded ordnance in the Baltic Sea: Study detects toxic munitions chemicals in water samples
Under pressure, EU to take axe to green rules

Other news

New study reveals harsh realities of childhood in the pre-Columbian Andes
Quantum Physics
Inspired by Maxwell's demon, heat flow acts as a witness to quantum properties
Planetary Sciences
How to see rare 'planetary parade' in the sky tonight
Plants & Animals
Rat sommeliers demonstrate advanced olfactory learning in wine sniffing test
Quantum Physics
A new approach to reduce decoherence in superconducting qudit-based quantum processors
Transparent stretchable substrate without image distortion shows potential for next-generation displays
Condensed Matter
Atomically thin NbSe₂ demonstrates resilient superconducting fluctuations
Analytical Chemistry
Graphyne's transformation: A new carbon form with potential for electronics
Bio & Medicine
Harnessing gravity to create a low-cost microfluidic device for rapid cell analysis
Social Sciences
How many languages can babies learn? Study shows how Ghanaian babies grow up speaking two to six languages
Mollusk family tree helps resolve long-standing evolutionary questions
Social Sciences
Research suggests lovers fit into four categories
Palladium-mediated reaction enables precision engineering of peptides and proteins
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Study shows married men in the US are finally doing more of the housework
Plasma Physics
Deep learning model boosts plasma predictions in nuclear fusion by 1,000 times
Bio & Medicine
First-of-its-kind nanosensor allows for real-time iron detection in plants
Indian spacecraft Aditya-L1 observes massive solar flare
From coral to lab: Understanding biflorane synthase for bioactive compound production
Bio & Medicine
Novel ferritin-based siRNA delivery system shows promise for targeted glioblastoma therapy
Will neutrons compromise the operation of superconducting magnets in a fusion plant?

Deep-sea organisms shape ocean floor at 7.5 km depth

Traces of organisms detected in sediments from 7.5 kilometers below the ocean surface reveal how organisms living in the deep sea are engineering their own environments. Analyses of sediment cores from the Pacific Ocean's ...