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Stay or go? Pacific Islanders face climate's grim choice

Rising waters are slowly but surely swallowing Carnie Reimers's backyard in the Marshall Islands, pushing her toward an agonizing choice: stay in the only home she's ever known or leave and face the prospect of becoming a ...

Study offers new explanation for Siberia's permafrost craters

Mysterious craters that first appeared in the Siberian permafrost a decade ago were caused by climate change-driven pressure changes that explosively released methane frozen underground, a new study reports. The research ...

How to save a sinking city

What do Venice, Jakarta, Manilla and Bangkok have in common? They are or were sinking cities. Wageningen researcher Philip Minderhoud studies the causes of subsidence in these cities. Groundwater extraction plays an important ...

More news

Quito fires coming under control after choking capital
Earth Sciences
Research shows heat, drought and fire risk are increasing in South America
South Florida study finds mosquito populations increased dramatically after Hurricane Irma
Hurricanes, storms, typhoons... Is September wetter than usual?
Nature is adapting to climate change—why aren't we?
Chesapeake Bay cleanup going in 'right direction,' thanks partly to Pennsylvania
World's first CO₂ storage service soon ready in Norway
Plane contrails: white fluffy contributors to global warming
'Unsurvivable' Hurricane Helene races towards Florida
Eco-anxiety Q&A: How the IPCC's vice-chair keeps her head cool on a warming planet
Air on Colorado's Front Range was more polluted than usual this summer—and wildfires were not to blame
Ecuador capital 'under attack' from five wildfires
Florida girds for arrival of 'catastrophic' Hurricane Helene
Key negotiator Norway sees 'positive signals' ahead of plastic talks
Study shows virtual reality may help pedestrians and cyclists avoid harmful pollutants
Earth Sciences
Ice cores show pollution's impact on Arctic atmosphere
Global warming has brought more frequent, bigger and fiercer fires, which may make conditions even warmer
New research reveals climate change impact on Northeastern forests may be lower than expected
Earth Sciences
Tree-ring data reveal how the jet stream has shaped extreme weather in Europe for centuries
Earth Sciences
Ice age clues and advanced climate modeling shed light on how El Niño weather patterns might change

Other news

General Physics
From branches to loops: The physics of transport networks in nature
Bio & Medicine
Bioengineers and chemists design fluorescent 3D-printed structures with potential medical applications
Plants & Animals
Scientists use drones to track white sharks along California beaches
Optics & Photonics
Nonlinear optical metasurface achieves electrically tunable third-harmonic generation
Seal species carries 'genetic scars' after being hunted to the edge of extinction, new research reveals
Cell & Microbiology
How a protein keeps gene clusters quiet in the cell nucleolus
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical engineers provide new insights in CO₂ conversion with electricity
Fruit juice offers a fresh take on kombucha
Bio & Medicine
Laser-induced graphene sensors made affordable with stencil masking
General Physics
Smashing heavy ions together could produce the world's strongest electric fields
Space Exploration
Earth to capture a 'second moon' this weekend, NASA says
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists uncover structural secrets of antiepileptic drugs
General Physics
Accelerator lab provides detailed data on the 'magic' N=50 neutron shell closure
Plants & Animals
Marine debris removal benefits Hawaiian monk seals and ecosystems
Economics & Business
New food safety rules may cost small and mid-sized businesses big money
Plants & Animals
Warming climates quicken aging-related mortality in mosquitoes, study finds
Condensed Matter
Discovering quasiparticles ejected from color centers in diamond crystals
Plants & Animals
Wall lizards shed light on how animals prevent harm in territorial disputes
Social Sciences
How large language models are changing collective intelligence
General Physics
Orbital angular momentum monopoles discovery propels orbitronics forward in energy-efficient tech

Researchers simulate how wildfires spread through communities

California has already recorded more than 6,000 wildfires this year, underscoring the need for better mitigation strategies to reduce their devastating impact. Now, researchers have created a model that may shed light on ...

World off track on climate fight but AI could help: UN

The world remains far off track in tackling climate crisis, but the UN voiced hope Wednesday that artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies will help address the towering challenges.

Gen Z: Will they finally solve the plastic crisis?

Generation Z has been heralded by some as the "sustainability" generation—more likely to pay a premium for eco-friendly products and more likely to make purchase decisions that incorporate their personal, social and environmental ...

Exploring climate change through mobile games

To raise awareness about climate change, a UCL researcher teamed up with developers of one of the most popular mobile games, updating it to show science-based predictions of what will happen to Earth after a century of global ...

Low-noise amplifiers aboard the Arctic Weather Satellite

The Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) of the European Space Agency (ESA) was sent on its journey to a polar orbit 600 km above the Earth on August 16, 2024. On board: four low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) from the Fraunhofer Institute ...