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Projections show future droughts could be longer than expected

The average longest periods of drought could be ten days longer by the end of the century than previously predicted by climate models, according to research published in Nature. The findings suggest that the hazards droughts ...

Unveiling soil moisture patterns with advanced navigation tech

A pioneering method for soil moisture retrieval using satellite navigation systems has been introduced, significantly boosting the accuracy and efficiency of global data collection. The research, published in the journal ...

Lower shipping emissions may lead to higher global temperatures

Products that we depend on and use every day arrive by way of massive container ships to ports around the world. But the maritime shipping industry is also responsible for polluting the air and oceans with sulfur dioxide, ...

More news

Earth Sciences
Climate change is accelerating extreme melting in Greenland with global impacts, says study
Earth Sciences
Deep underground flooding beneath hot springs: A potential trigger for the 1995 Kobe earthquake
Earth Sciences
Climate change-triggered landslide unleashes a 650-foot mega-tsunami
Earth Sciences
Geoscientists detect rapid uplift at unique volcano in Tanzania
Earth Sciences
Over 2 million acres of floodplain development occurred in US in last two decades, study finds
Earth Sciences
New research reveals how El Niño caused the greatest ever mass extinction
Earth Sciences
Dams built to prevent coastal flooding can worsen it
Earth Sciences
Discovery about ice layer formation in ice sheets can improve sea level rise predictions
Earth Sciences
Microbe dietary preferences found to influence effectiveness of carbon sequestration in deep ocean
Earth Sciences
Rapid loss of Antarctic ice after 2100 likely under current emissions, climate scientists find
Earth Sciences
Exploring an underwater volcano from 16,000 kilometers away
Earth Sciences
Ozone pollution reduces yearly tropical forest growth by 5.1%, study finds
Earth Sciences
Hydroclimate study finds natural variations in Earth's tilt affect precipitation and humidity
Earth Sciences
New map shows where landslides are most likely to occur in US
Earth Sciences
Precariously balanced rocks in New York, Vermont provide limits on earthquake shaking
Earth Sciences
Reassessing the stability of the Florida Current: New insights from 40 years of observations
Earth Sciences
Team develops new tool to map fossil fuel emissions from space
Earth Sciences
Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals
Earth Sciences
Biogeochemistry scientists from around the world publish position paper on tackling 'hidden' phosphorus
Earth Sciences
Q&A: Arctic capillaries—an eye-opening symptom in a swiftly changing landscape

Other news

Cell & Microbiology
Silencing in action: How cells 'repress' genomic remnants of ancient viruses
Bio & Medicine
DNA origami and fluorescent probes can precisely release molecular cargo
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists identify 18 bacterial strains to treat antibiotic-resistant gut infections
Analytical Chemistry
First liquid-liquid extraction trial finds porous liquids can separate harmful or unwanted alcohols from mixtures
Second-gen Starlink satellites leak 30 times more radio interference, threatening astronomical observations
Magnifying deep space through the 'Carousel Lens'—rare alignment offers unique opportunity to study cosmology
Quantum Physics
Different qubit architecture could enable easier manufacturing of quantum computer building blocks
General Physics
Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds
Analytical Chemistry
Template synthesis creates multilayered perovskites with unique ferroelectric behavior
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists find new epigenetic switch, revealing how genes are regulated in early development
Cell & Microbiology
Harmless strain of E. coli bacteria may be able to prevent urinary tract infections
General Physics
Physicists reveal evolution of shell structure using machine learning
Astronomers detect hundreds of supernova remnants using novel method
Astronomers discover biggest ever seen black hole jets, which blast hot plasma well beyond their own host galaxy
New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
Building better DNA editors: Retrons raise the bar for gene research
New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible
New study reveals evolution's role in ecosystem stability and tipping points
As strong as a feather: New insights into optimal muscle design
From earthquakes to starquakes: Seismology research helps understand exoplanet migration

NASA study tallies carbon emissions from massive Canadian fires

Stoked by Canada's warmest and driest conditions in decades, extreme forest fires in 2023 released about 640 million metric tons of carbon, NASA scientists have found. That's comparable in magnitude to the annual fossil fuel ...