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A river is pushing up Mount Everest's peak

Mount Everest is about 15 to 50 meters taller than it would otherwise be because of uplift caused by a nearby eroding river gorge, and continues to grow because of it, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

GeoTraductores democratizes science, one translation at a time

English is the dominant language for communicating research and discoveries in scientific journals. The same is true for science communication outlets such as news articles, multimedia, and press releases. However, sharing ...

How to save a sinking city

What do Venice, Jakarta, Manilla and Bangkok have in common? They are or were sinking cities. Wageningen researcher Philip Minderhoud studies the causes of subsidence in these cities. Groundwater extraction plays an important ...

The unexpected role of magnetic microbes in deep-sea mining

Polymetallic nodules are potato-sized formations on the ocean floor that are rich in minerals such as nickel, cobalt, and manganese. Their concentration of rare, economically important minerals has made the nodules the focus ...

Deep learning framework improves snow cover fraction estimation

Accurate snow cover information is crucial for studying global climate and hydrology. However, deep learning approaches for retrieving snow cover fraction (SCF) often suffer from limitations in training data dependence and ...

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Tree-ring data reveal how the jet stream has shaped extreme weather in Europe for centuries
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Ice cores show pollution's impact on Arctic atmosphere
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Ice age clues and advanced climate modeling shed light on how El Niño weather patterns might change
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Afar mantle plume study offers new insight into deep Earth processes
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Nanostructures in the deep ocean floor hint at life's origin
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NASA analysis shows irreversible sea level rise for Pacific islands
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Climatologists develop more accurate El Niño Southern Oscillation forecasts
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How coral and sediments helped to reconstruct 2.6 million years of climate history
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Extinct volcanoes a 'rich' source of rare earth elements, research suggests
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Understanding Antarctica's contribution to sea level rise
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Atmospheric blocking slows ocean-driven melting of Greenland's largest glacier tongue
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Climate models predict abrupt intensification of northern wildfires due to permafrost thawing
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Atmospheric methane increase during pandemic due primarily to wetland flooding, satellite data analysis finds
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The importance of wave modeling in predicting climate change's effect on sea ice
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Evaluating the flow of information for high-impact weather events
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Channel conveyance and flood risk: Are current models missing the mark?
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'Doomsday' glacier set to melt faster and swell seas as world heats up, say scientists
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High-pressure reactions can turn nonporous rocks into sponges
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Online misinformation most likely to be believed by ideological extremists, study shows
Researchers witness nanoscale water formation in real time
Fluorescent molecules to illuminate life: Simplified synthesis with formaldehyde
Economics & Business
Study: 1 of every 4 employees of commercial organizations has withheld inventions from their employer
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A new and unique fusion reactor comes together due to global research collaboration
Microplastic hotspots forming in offshore UK North Sea, researchers find
Webb detects fast outflow in the host galaxy of a luminous quasar
Study finds about 40% of public supports rationing measures to fight climate change
Protein study reveals how the tiny shrew achieves a resting heart rate of 1,020 beats per minute
Transforming seaweeds into raw materials for aviation fuel and pharmaceuticals
Bio & Medicine
DNA nanotechnology unravels complex protein interactions to inform cancer diagnostics
New imaging technique paves the way for simplified, low-cost agricultural quality assessment
DNA technology enables molecular monitoring for marine change and threats
Plants & Animals
The evolutionary history of rats has more holes than Swiss cheese, but researchers are trying to close them
Planetary Sciences
Lunar gravity measurements hint at a partially molten mantle layer
Scientists uncover light absorbing properties of achiral materials
New insights into sauropod evolution: Discovery of tail clubs in India
Raman spectroscopy study decodes symbiotic interactions in marine algae
Space Exploration
Stuck NASA astronauts welcome SpaceX capsule that'll bring them home next year
Retracing walrus ivory trade of Viking Age reveals early interactions between Europeans and Indigenous North Americans