Environment Sep 19, 2024

Scientists say there is enough evidence to agree to global action on microplastics

Science has provided more than sufficient evidence to inform a collective and global approach to tackle the continued spread of plastic pollution, according to a new report.

Quantum Physics Sep 21, 2024

Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows

One of the most surprising predictions of physics is entanglement, a phenomenon where objects can be some distance apart but still linked together. The best-known examples of entanglement involve tiny chunks of light (photons), ...

Astrobiology Sep 19, 2024

Could interstellar quantum communications involve Earth or solve the Fermi paradox?

Thus far, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has used strategies based on classical science—listening for radio waves, telescopes watching for optical signals, telescopes in orbit scouring light from the ...

Biotechnology Sep 19, 2024

Human genome stored on 'everlasting' memory crystal

University of Southampton scientists have stored the full human genome on a 5D memory crystal—a revolutionary data storage format that can survive for billions of years.

Astronomy Sep 18, 2024

Second-gen Starlink satellites leak 30 times more radio interference, threatening astronomical observations

Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites emit unintended radio waves that can hinder astronomical observations.

Plants & Animals Sep 19, 2024

Are cows pickier than goats? Answers from innovative large-scale feeding experiments from 275 years ago

For his 18th century thesis, Carl Linnaeus collected 643 different plant species that were then fed to horses, cows, pigs, sheep and goats. The results were carefully compiled but not analyzed until now, 275 years later, ...

Planetary Sciences Sep 19, 2024

New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Scientists of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna and Umeå University find that under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate. The findings are presented in a new study published ...

Social Sciences Sep 18, 2024

Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?

Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. remain near all-time highs. Analysts say this disparity is a "major issue of our time." Experts have spotlighted deep policy failures fueling the problem and helpful economic fixes ...

Biotechnology Sep 18, 2024

New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible

CRISPR, the gene-editing technology, has been one of the major breakthroughs in biology in the last two decades. And while students learn about the capability to cut, paste, and alter genes, it's rare that they get the chance ...

Astronomy Sep 18, 2024

Magnifying deep space through the 'Carousel Lens'—rare alignment offers unique opportunity to study cosmology

In a rare and extraordinary discovery, researchers have identified a unique configuration of galaxies that form the most exquisitely aligned gravitational lens found to date. The Carousel Lens is a massive cluster-scale gravitational ...

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