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Researchers create an optical lens that senses gas

A research team from the University of Jena has developed a small optical lens, only a few millimeters in size, whose refractive behavior changes in the presence of gas. As reported by the researchers in the journal Nature ...

Shaping the future of polymer nanocarriers

Scientists have taken a significant step towards the development of tailor-made chiral nanocarriers with controllable release properties. These nanocarriers, inspired by nature's helical molecules like DNA and proteins, hold ...

More news

New approach sets stage to explore the mirror-image world of century-old naturally-occurring cyclodextrins
Analytical Chemistry
International collaboration lays the foundation for future AI for materials
Analytical Chemistry
'Two-for-one' fission aims to improve solar cell efficiency
Investigating DNA flexibility for the creation of new biomaterials
Analytical Chemistry
Novel synthesis of fluorinated molecules with potential in drug research
Analytical Chemistry
Novel catalysts for improved methanol production using carbon dioxide dehydrogenation
Analytical Chemistry
Enhancing the performance of proton exchange membrane water electrolysis by constructing electron/proton pathways
Analytical Chemistry
Spectroscopic technique that singles out water molecules lying on the surface reveals how they relax after being excited
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists develop technique for extending nitrene reactions to three days
Analytical Chemistry
Great British Bake Off finalist discusses the parallels between chemistry and baking
Analytical Chemistry
A simple, fast, and versatile method for selective bromination of indole alkaloids
Researchers create new class of materials called 'glassy gels'
Analytical Chemistry
New technology provides electrifying insights into how catalysts work at the atomic level
Analytical Chemistry
Boosting the synthesis of stable sugar compounds with a novel nature-inspired approach
Old drugs new tricks—novel approach shows 'enormous potential' for rapid antibiotic discovery
Study reveals molecular mechanisms of somatostatin receptor 5 activation by neuropeptides and drugs
Analytical Chemistry
Study reveals mechanisms of crystal nucleation in glass-ceramics
Researchers propose a new way for signal-amplification of chemosensors by flexibly manipulating an allosteric trigger
Analytical Chemistry
Transforming inexpensive quinolines into complex drug candidates
Analytical Chemistry
Backdoor method creates high-entropy material at lower temperatures

Other news

Early childhood problems linked to persistent school absenteeism
Plants & Animals
Researchers find genetic stability in a long-term Panamanian hybrid zone of manakins
Planetary Sciences
Detective work enables Perseverance Mars rover team to revive SHERLOC instrument
Planetary Sciences
NASA's Juno probe gets a close-up look at lava lakes on Jupiter's moon Io
Planetary Sciences
Surprising phosphate finding in NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample
First case of Down syndrome in Neanderthals documented in new study
Quantum Physics
Understanding quantum states: New research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits
Planetary Sciences
New study reveals comet airburst evidence from 12,800 years ago
General Physics
Experiment captures atoms in free fall to look for gravitational anomalies caused by dark energy
Earth Sciences
El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months with physics-based model
The surprising behavior of black holes in an expanding universe
Optics & Photonics
Time-compression in electron microscopy: Terahertz light controls and characterizes electrons in space and time
Social Sciences
Sharing false political information on social media may be associated with positive schizotypy, research suggests
Almonds, pottery, wood help date famed Kyrenia shipwreck
Bio & Medicine
Microrobot-packed pill shows promise for treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice
AI-generated exam submissions evade detection at UK university
Future risk of coral bleaching set to intensify globally, researchers say
Molecular & Computational biology
Study demonstrates that a process that turns off DNA transcription can, paradoxically, also turn it on
Molecular & Computational biology
From takeoff to flight, the wiring of a fly's nervous system is mapped
Plants & Animals
Wolves reintroduced to Isle Royale temporarily affect other carnivores, humans have influence as well

Synthetic leather made from recyclable and bio-based PBS

A new type of pure synthetic leather meets the high requirements of the European Ecodesign Regulation. Made from a bio-based plastic, it is biodegradable and meets the requirements for a closed recycling process.